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Myth: Arthritis is a simple  disease which affects only elderly people.

Fact:  Arthritis is a broad term used as an umbrella for many diseases which lead to pain and swelling of joints. It is very similiar to saying that some one has fever.

Fever can be due to various causes some very simple and short lasting like viral,typhoid,malaria and some more sinister and  life threatening  like cancer .

Similiarly  arthritis are also of various types and there are over a 100 or more types of arthritis but for simplicity we can divide them into two broad categories:

The simple/common type and the dangerous(autoimmune) type

The former is what is often commonly reffered to as arthritis- it is primarily  a degenerative process mainly affecting the knees commonly seen in late middle age  and elderly.

It leads to pain that worsens on movement  and  improves with rest . It is restricted mainly to the joints involved( e.gknees). It is not a life threatening disease.(e.g osteoarthritis)

The latter group(dangerous type) though less common is very important as it can affect people of any age groups starting from small children to young adults,males and females alike.(e.g rheumatoid arthritis,spondyloarthritis,lupus,gout etc.)

It  often  affects  multiple joints both small and large including the back . In the early stages there is significant stiffness and pain in early morning which gradually improves as the day progresses and again worsens at night .there are associated symptoms like fatigue,tiredness,feverishness,loss of appetite etc.

Myth: Arthritis is not a  life threatening disease

Fact: The dangerous(autoimmune) type of arthritis  is not restricted to the joints and can virtually affect any or multiple organs  like  lungs,kidneys,eyes,and sometimes even the brain. Without prompt early diagnosis and treatment it can be severly  damaging to the organs  can cause  deformities of the joints or damage the lungs,kidneys,eyes,brain etc.and sometimes even lead to death.

Myth: There is no cure for arthritis

Fact: There is no cure for common conditions like diabetes,hypothyroid and hypertension however all of them are treatable. Likewise all types of arthritis are treatable.

Rheumatologists are a group of highly specialised doctors who diagnose and treat these various type of dangerous(autoimmune ) arthritis  with highly specialised drugs which if used early and appropriately are life saving and transform the life of patients and help them lead a near normal life.

Joints that are permanently damaged  are replaced by orthopaedic surgeons.

Myth: Arthritis can be diagnosed by a single test

Fact: There is no  single test to diagnose arthritis . They are diagnosed taking into account  a detail history including family history,symptoms and clinical signs and lastly some blood tests which should be ordered only in individuals with high clinical suspicion. It is important to remember that some of these tests can be positive in normal individuals also therefore it is very important to consult a rheumatologist who understands these diseases and tests.

Myth: Arthritis can be managed at home with pain killers and home remedies.

Fact:  Don’t manage arthritis on your own with pain killers. Pain killers provide temporary relief and may not address the underlying disease.specialy the dangerous(autoimmune type). It is important to consult a rheumatologist.

Myth:  We can and should stop medications on our own as these are dangerous drugs.

Facts: No drugs are dangerous as long as they are taken under the supervision of a doctor with proper monitoring. Neither discontinue nor continue any medication on your own without  routine follow up with your doctor.

Myth: Arthritis is caused due to diet and can be treated by diet alone.

Facts: Arthritis(dangerous type) is a multifactorial disease however a healthy life style with good exercise and a healthy balanced diet is an  essential part of any treatment. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and green vegetables  and certain foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish and flaxseeds etc. Have been found to be beneficial.

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